Stuff n' Stack Silicone Reusable Bags

7 Eco-Friendly Habits for 2021

Of all the things the past few years have been teaching us, taking care of the planet has cemented itself at the top of the list. Now, more than ever, we are seeing the importance of being conscious of how we consume and act. Everything we do can have either a direct or an indirect impact on the environment, and we all must do our part to develop habits that will help us give mother earth the care that she deserves. After all, she is our home, and we are entrusted with protecting her to the best of our abilities. To do so, we need to strive to live in such a way that we are doing the least possible harm to the world we are living in. With that, here are seven effective ways to practice eco-friendly habits that you can incorporate into your lifestyle:


1. Turn off the lights and unplug all the devices that are not in use.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised at how many times we don’t do this. Turning off the lights and unplugging devices that are not in use help make your home more energy-efficient. Doing so can also help reduce carbon emissions and other types of greenhouse gases, all of which are harmful to the planet. As a bonus, switching off the lights and unplugging devices can help lower your electricity bill and give your gadgets a longer lifespan. However, it is important to note that the energy efficiency of each lightbulb differs and depends on what type of lightbulb it is. As an added tip, consider investing in LED bulbs as these are the most energy-efficient light bulbs.


2. Plant a tree or two.

Trees provide us with oxygen, clean up the air, prevent soil from eroding, and shelter wildlife. Naturally, the more trees we have, the better! Unfortunately, many trees have been cut down over the past decade to make way for commercial developments. However, we can all do our own part to plant a tree. Now, planting a tree may sound like a daunting task, but it is not that difficult to do. If you have a spacious yard, plant some small trees and nurture them as they grow. This will not only provide your home with a natural shade but will also help reduce your energy consumption. You can also work with local environmental groups to find out about other places where you can plant trees.


3. Refrain from using single-use plastics when storing your food.

Do you ever think about where your plastic products like straws and disposable utensils go after you throw them away? They take an incredibly long time to break down, and they will be on the earth long after we are all gone. That is why single-use plastics are some of the least eco-friendly products to use. Millions of seabirds and marine life are killed annually by single-use plastics, so we should all do what we can to refrain from using them. It’s time to ditch the use of plastic baggies and look for more sustainable alternatives. Consider using a reusable, food-grade silicone container like LocknLock’s Stuff n’ Stack bags to keep your food fresh and fit for eating. Not only are they much more environmentally-friendly, but they are also PVC-free, BPA-free, and Phthalate-free!


4. Bring Your Own!

Speaking of cutting down on using single-use plastics, invest in products that will help you cut down on your plastic consumption. You can start by bringing your own tumbler or water bottle to replace single-use bottles. Many coffee shops and juice bars across the metro would be more than happy to put your drink into your reusable container, and some would even offer incentives or discounts if you do so. On top of these, bringing your own tumbler or water bottle is a great way to stay hydrated throughout the day.

You can also bring your LocknLock Stuff n’ Stack bags with you on trips to the grocery or when dining out. The Stuff n’ Stack bags are durable and sturdy to hold your food items, and they are excellent for keeping fresh produce, meats, and poultry fresh. You can also use the Stuff n’ Stack bags to store your takeaway food and leftovers when you dine out, which will eliminate the need for extra packaging.

By bringing your own, you’re developing an eco-friendly habit, keeping yourself hydrated, and saving some money! Score!


5. Eliminate food waste from your life.

Food waste is one of the most pressing issues we are facing today. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has estimated that a staggering 1.3 billion tonnes of food get wasted each year, which has a major impact on our society, our economy, and our environment. To prevent food waste in your lifestyle, only purchase food that you can consume, be conscious of the expiry dates, and keep foodstuffs in clean, food-grade silicone containers like LocknLock’s Stuff n’ Stack bags to keep them fresh for longer.


6. Encourage your friends and family members to patronize environmentally-friendly products.

Earth badly needs our help, and we can’t fight this battle alone. Educate and encourage your friends and family members about the importance of patronizing eco-friendly products, and consider giving them such products on special occasions as gifts. That way, they, too, can begin building eco-friendly habits to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.


7. Research on how to effectively dispose of your waste and how to produce as little waste as possible.

The goal is to be as waste-free as possible and live a lifestyle that produces minimal waste. See how you can maximize each item you have, whether it be fresh produce or used clothes. Look for local junk shops and recycling plants where you can donate old newspapers, scrap metal, or other things that can be repurposed and given new life. Try to be more conscious as well of the amount of waste you produce in a day. People have even been challenging themselves to fit all of their waste into a small plastic bottle, which some organizations have been converting into eco-bricks for building different structures. Developing a consciousness for how much waste you produce is key to effectively managing it.

Remember, the best way to build habits is to start with small, achievable goals that you are confident that you can do. Begin with one habit at a time and once you are more used to it, take on more difficult challenges. Give yourself time to learn and grow, and be intentional with the way that you consume. Doing so will work wonders on how you develop eco-friendly habits and, in turn, care for the planet.

Build eco-friendly habits with LocknLock’s Stuff n’ Stack bags. These come in three bold colors: aqua, orange, and white. Each set comes with a small bag (330 mL), a medium bag (460 mL), and a large bag (1960 mL), which can all conveniently store your food and belongings. Check out LocknLock’s Stuff n’ Stack bags here, and discover the best way that you can use them!

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